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It took hundreds of iterations to finalize my framework.

My framework is based on several models.

It is extremely flexible while at the same time maintaining

a sense of structure and direction.

It makes it easy to know where you are and what you are doing at any given time.

It makes the integration of the internal and external strategy

smooth and uncomplicated.

My framework helps you identify all the activities that need to happen

for internal and external change.

From there on almost like in Project Management, it helps you to sequence these activities, create a schedule (tailored to your unique personality) and execute.




The short answer is: you shouldn't trust me. 

No matter what I say, you don't have enough information to judge.

I encourage everyone to think for themselves and judge while taking into account the actions of someone, not their words.

That is why I always do 2 free sessions.


However, this is what I can tell you for now: 

my practice is essentially an accumulation of skills and very specific knowledge.


In terms of knowledge, you can check out my certificates.

That should prove that I have at least enough knowledge for coaching.


In regards to the skills that I use in my practice, I have been developing almost all of them since I was 15.

I have had multiple jobs. Jobs like customer service, sales, training employees, receptionist, manager, project manager, dispatch, bar woman, barista, teacher etc.

All of them had one thing in common: people, the way they think and feel.

To put it differently, one of the very first things I had to learn was communication, listening, feedback, empathy, teaching, patience and keeping a positive attitude. Those are all necessary for a coach to have.


Lastly, my personality is also a big deal. Other skills that I often use come very naturally to me.

Skills like planning, critical thinking, systems thinking, data-analysis and prioritization.

(I am too efficient to be doing something I don't already have a natural tendency to do anyway)


To conclude, If you combine my natural strengths, the knowledge that I have and the skills that I have developed through the years,  my hope for you is to understand why you can at least trust me enough to give the free sessions a try.


At the end of the day, you will never know unless you try. Worst thing that can happen is that you will get a little bit more self aware and self awareness is the key to every big positive change.

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If a person that comes to me does not want to become aware of what the problem is, does not want to change themselves, or make changes to their life, working with me in not the right choice.  

My practice is only right for people who are willing to change themselves AND who will own their choice to change. 


I don’t want people to come to me or choose my process because they think something is bad or wrong about them. What I want is people to engage in this process of changing themselves because doing so is coming from acceptance, self- respect and self-love.  

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I really want you to understand my unique practice, in order for you to understand if my way of helping you to get where you want to be is right one for you. I tend to have a very direct approach and don’t dwell longer than necessary on things like feelings and the past. I use the past in order to figure out certain patterns, as a reason to why things are the way they are in the present or to collect data about one’s personality.

I don’t do therapy.  


The first thing I do when I start working with someone is to identify what the actual problem is in the current state.  

Quit often it is hard for people to find it and most certainly admit what the problem is, because of various reasons.

In this case I will assist you to admit to it.


My approach on how to do this depends on the individual and the situation.

It could be with confrontation or slowly getting into acceptance through reflection.  

The aim for this phase is for my client is to own the problem and take responsibility for it.


Next, we are going to identify what is the cause of the problem.

You can’t solve a problem if you can’t understand when, how and why it started.  


I use a lot of different tools and methods to identify the cause of the problem. There is no one size fits all.  


After understanding what the root cause of the problem is, we identify what is wanted instead.  

It is like identifying point A and point B. I find a lot of people are struggling here, because most of the time they know what they DON’T want, but don’t know what they DO want.  


When people understand what they DO want, there is a gap between where they are and where they want to go. I help people to close that gap and I support them throughout the entire process, practically, emotionally and mentally. 


 In the following stage we are going to identify what is preventing you to go from A to B. In the psychology and self-help field we use primarily the term “Resistance” ‘I help people resolve that resistance so that they can move from the unwanted condition to the wanted state.  

The resistance is essentially the internal obstacle. 


When a person has not already achieved what they want, that means they have these oppositional forces that are at play.

My main goal is to put you in a point of conscious choice.  


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It really depends on the client's situation and pace. With some clients I can work for 1 month and for some other clients we could be working for 6 months or more. Every individual is different. Every situation is different. Plus, long-lasting change needs time. 


Therapists and coaches are good partners.


What I do however is very practical, and it is primarily focused on the present and the future. 

My process does not include dealing with disorders, substance abuse and clinical cases. 


All that change in your mindset and behavior happens with me.

My practice is about creating a life you want by analysis, action and observation.

I am NOT claiming that what I do is better than therapy.

Some practices even combine psychotherapy with coaching.

Psychotherapy is extremely important, but sometimes a more practical approach can be more beneficial to the individual.


Another difference, is that psychotherapy primarily focuses on what is going on inside you. 

I take a look at both the inside and outside.

I look for how both worlds contribute to the obstacle you are currently facing in your career. 

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1. Clients can generate perfect solutions
2. The conversations with clients are based on equality
3. Focus on what the client experiences and thinks is top priority

4. The client is responsible for the results they are generating
6. Effectiveness depends on a relationship that is build on truth, openness and trust
7. I coach from non - judgment
8. I maintain my commitment and loyalty to support my client no matter how hard things get
9. Expectations management is crucial for a strong relationship and ultimately the effectiveness of the practice
10. Giving advice at the wrong time might cause damage


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1. People are NOT their emotions or behaviors
2. Everyone has the capacity to change,

if they choose to
3. Taking personal responsibility

is the first step to change
4. Every action we take has a reason
5. Emotions and behaviors are choices
6. Every person is more than what you see in front of you
7. A safe space is required for a change

to be possible
8. Your presence in the moment is always required
9. The door to change + solutions always open inwards
10.  People are always doing the best they can in that moment
11. Flexibility of thought on both sides is key
12. Increasing choices changes lives

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